Sunday, April 26, 2009

Spring, Where art thou?

The one thing we middle-westerners know about is weather. We have a huge variety of weather situtions that we can be dealing with on a daily basis, and sometimes on an hourly basis. Rain, hail, tornadoes, extreme cold, snow, heat, extreme heat...the list goes on. Even though we are hundreds of miles from the ocean, we even endured a hurricane last fall, or at least the rain-out portion of the hurricane, which flooded our town pretty quickly in a matter of an hour or two.

Now, ideally, spring is the time when you can gently feel the bones warming and you know summer will be here soon enough. You can enjoy days when the windows are thrown open to catch the gentle spring breezes, and they sweep out the stale air of winter from the home, and it is delightful inside without mechanical assistance!

This winter seemed to go on and on and on. We endured a lot of very unpleasant days in the past few months, including snow, threat of snow, ice, cold rain and some stiff wind. When will it be spring, I found myself asking, when will I be able to put away the winter coats, and just go out in a jacket? That wasn't a happening thing until this past week.

We didn't get spring this year. We went from winter to summer in a day. One day it was 48, cold, windy, rainy, and the furnace was still churing out hot air. The next day it was 88, beastly hot, and eventually when the house heated up to 83, I wimped out and threw on the AC. No break in the utility bills this year! From gas consumption one day to electrical consumption the next day--my usual spring lull will not be happening this year.

One thing nice about the warm weather, I own a convertible. A beautiful "absolute red" Solara convertible--a real head turner! So, now it is time to throw the top down and ride in style! Love those summer days, even if they came a little early this year!

1 comment:

MonkeyGirl said...

Sure rub in the fact that you own a convertible! Pffflllbbbtttt :(|)