Monday, February 1, 2010

Takin' a break!

Now that I've done my costume job in January, I'm taking a break from costuming for a while. No more until summer, but that is a big one!

I can clean up the sewing room, and it might stay somewhat clean for a few months.

I can get my quilt fat quarters out and start working on 72 Ohio stars for my new quilt for my bed.

I can grade papers at night!

I can play with my grandkids and not have to pawn them off on Aunt MonkeyGirl.

I love to costume for shows, but sometimes you need to take a break. I'll be researching and scouting for bargains for my summer gig, which is "The Producers", which will be a huge show. In the meantime, I'll rest up the sewing machines and my brain, because I'll probably need it this summer.

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