Yesterday and Friday, this pattern of fabric, called Patternista, was part of the daily deal on Missouri Star Quilt Company's website. They posted the Daily Deal on Facebook with the disclaimer that some of the people who worked at the shop loved the fabric, and some hated it.
Comments from FB users ranged from "loved it", "beautiful", "have to have it so I ordered it", to "ugly", "doesn't appeal to me", "makes me nauseous to look at it". I guess you couldn't ask for a more diverse set of opinions about a line of fabrics than this one engendered!
Well, I for one absolutely loved it the minute I saw it. I had some jelly rolls ordered before 6 a.m. on Friday. Then one of my local quilt shops sent an email advertising several new fabric lines, and Patternista was one of them. Since I like to add borders to my quilts, I was determined to get some yardage from this store. Then, on Sunday, the layer cake of Patternista was the Daily Deal.
I managed to sneak in a trip to the LQS to pick up some yardage of several of the prints, and saw the whole line in glorious color. It is so rich, so colorful and with such symmetry and design, I wish I could have hogged it all and taken home all the bolts.
Today, I was lucky, my first order of jelly rolls of Patternista was in my mailbox, and so tonight, I got started making jelly roll stars, trimmed with black, which was my vision for how this fabric would best be displyed. I don't think the pictures do justice to the richness of color in this line. I didn't think the web pictures were that great, but when I saw it in person, I was totally smitten!
You can judge for yourself if you like this type of wild fabric or not. I'm not the kind of person who goes for civil war, shabby chic, or muted colors in quilt fabrics. I'll never make a quilt in shades of beige, cream and taupe, unless there is a shot of red or yellow somewhere in it. I like vibrant, alive and high contrast colors. You can tell from the quilts I have made so far that this is my preference. So I put on my old Pink Floyd records, my bell-bottom hip huggers and tie dyed shirt, and started sewing away, and finished 9 jelly roll stars tonight using my beautiful Patternista.
You can decide for yourself--but I say, what's not to love about this fabric line?
I want to see a picture of you wearing your bell-bottom hip huggers tripping out to Dark Side of the Moon!
Sorry you missed it! I like "The Wall" myself!
My personal favorite is "Meddle"
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