Thursday, June 11, 2009


Have you seen that commercial for Ambien CR? It shows a lady tossing and turning in bed at 2 a.m. with a rooster standing on her footboard, crowing to give the wakeup call. As a person who inherited this type of sleep pattern from my parents, I find myself often with an imaginary rooster crowing in my bedroom about that time of the morning.

Not so this morning. I was dead asleep, having been lulled to slumberland by one of our daily, if not-twice daily, thunder and lightning storms last evening. I was on my way to a very good night's sleep, when CRASH! The sound of glass breaking woke me out of a sound sleep!

I bolted out of my bed, saying "what in the H-E-double hockey sticks was that?" An intruder breaking into the house? Something crashing through the window? Part of the ceiling falling down to the ground? Furniture falling over? I couldn't imagine.

With heart pounding, I raced into the main part of the house. No, no intruder--thank heavens! I got a little panicked when I realized that could have caused the noise, and here I was running to find out what it might be! Nothing seemed to have crashed through the ceiling, nor was any furniture overturned. My poorly rigged shelving in the laundry room was still up where it belonged--so what could have so rudely jarred me out of a perfectly good sleep?

I went into the bathroom, and there was the culprit--Al the cat was trying to get his drink from the bathroom sink, and in his quest for water, he had overturned a glass I keep by the sink for myself. He overturned the glass trying to get to the contents, and dumped the whole thing into the marble sink.

Scared the bejabbers out of me, and now I'm awake for hours, waiting for the cock-a-doodle-doo of the rooster to wake me all too soon!


NV said...

Sheesh! Toby just yowls at 2 a.m.!

Toby, then thunder woke me up in the night.

MonkeyGirl said...

SIlly cat! But you have to know by know that he is anything but graceful - but we love that mean old Al!